“What is tantra and how can it make my sex life better?”
Debora Meitz MD, The Tantra Doctor
“When heaven and earth come together inside me and awaken my body, mind, and spirit with pleasure, light, love, aliveness, and amazement. I feel the power of God and the universe exploding inside of me, cleansing me, filling me with waves of ecstasy and joy.”
“Feeling one with God, my body shimmering with the energy of love, all at once healed and whole.”
Ecstatic ripples of love, electrically connecting the two of us, in a delicious and exquisite explosion of delight, I knew I would never be the same…I was liberated and whole forever.
A thunderous opening of the skies from my head to me feet, washing me clean,
“It’s like an atomic bomb went off inside of both of us, erasing the separation between us, our bodies and souls united, expanded, free of time and space in an instant and an infinite moment, becoming one with each other and the universe “
This is how some of my clients have described her experiences with tantra.
But what exactly is tantra? And why does it work?
I often describe it as the integration of sexuality and spirituality, an ancient practice for healing, personal liberation, and ecstatic pleasure. The principle is that SEXUAL ENERGY is SPIRITUAL ENERGY, and it is SACRED!!! In fact, many ancient cultures realized that sexual energy is the fuel for spiritual growth and enlightenment!
I doubt that many of us were taught this as young people, I know I wasn’t…most of us have been taught that sex was dirty and shameful. Especially for young women and girls, often there was a double standard for young men and boys who were rewarded for sexual behavior in one way or another. This paradigm in our upbringing can cause us to shut down sexually, to be ashamed of sexual feelings we might be having, often related to trauma, abuse, societal conditioning fostered in our cultures, our families, our religious institutions, and schools. We can also be hurt by heartbreak and disappointment in love. We have multiple generations of women who are taught that sex is dirty and unholy, (the exact opposite of the truth) who are then expected to be separated from this powerful source of healing and growth in their lives until they get married-and then are supposed to miraculously become experts on sexuality on their wedding nights! Right???
So, here’s the real story…tantric teachings e are spiritual divine beings having a physical experience in this 3- dimensional world in which we live. Ancient practitioners of tantra in many cultures of the world have been using tantric practices for over 5000 years for healing of the body, mind, emotions, and spirit. In fact, tantra practices are used for health, vitality, emotional harmony, longevity, to reach spiritual enlightenment. Greater sexual pleasure is a secondary benefit! An amazing secondary benefit that is…which allows people of all genders to have powerful, unlimited, multiple orgasms, many different types of orgasms, accompanied by exquisite pleasure, as well as deeper connection with their partners. Men who use tantric practices can prevent or resolve problems with erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, and prostate issues which have very high prevalence in men aged 40-50 years of age and older. All these problems alone come with a high cost to self-esteem, health, sexual relationships between couples, and a leading factor in relationship stress, breakups, extramarital affairs, and divorces.
The term “Tantra Yoga” translated from the original Sanskrit language means “the expansive weaving of energy bodies through union.” What do we “weave” in tantric energy practices? We weave our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual parts of ourselves; we weave our inner feminine and inner masculine energies, we weave our “normal” selves with our inner Divinity, and we weave our individual energies with those of our beloved partners. The inner divinity, or as some call “God” and “Goddess” energy moves through us when our sexual energy is awakened, as well as reclaiming our birthright of sexual pleasure!
How does this work??? You may be asking?
Some of the answers are found in Chinese medicine five element theory, like that used with treatments such as acupuncture and acupressure. This theory describes a human energy system where sexual energy is based in the sexual organs and is also moved into the five major organ systems of the body, including the liver, heart, lungs, spleen, and kidneys. This energy is also largely associated with our emotional balance and harmony. The energy then moves further up the body into the higher centers in the brain which are associated with our “intuition and intelligence” center located between the eyebrows at the “third eye” center and our spiritual consciousness center located at the “crown center” at the top of the head. These locations are also associated with the yoga system, which describes energy centers also known as chakras. Interestingly, ancient peoples from different areas of the world developed separate but similar maps for energy cultivation and mapping and circulation in the body. These areas are associated with the endocrine or hormonal glands in the body, now confirmed and better understood with modern medical science.
Tantra practitioners learn to build or cultivate their sexual energy in the sexual organs and to circulate the 13420 Reese Blvd., West, Huntersville, NC 28078, PH: (704) 937-2286 / Fax: (704) 659-2424 energy to the major organ systems in the body, and into the mental and spiritual centers in the brain. In this respect, sexual energy is used to build health and vitality in the major organs of the body, emotional and mental functions and for spiritual development. In fact, tantra practice has also been associated with greater longevity as well as health, it was common for Taoist tantra practitioners in ancient China to live active lives past 100 years of age.
Since we are talking about sexuality, as well as health and spiritual consciousness, let’s talk about sexual pleasure and intimacy! Since Tantra practices involve energies of body, mind, emotions, soul, and spirit, we can have deeper connections to our own selves, as well as to that with our partners. In addition, we can reach greater states of pleasure utilizing tools we all use regularly in our bodiesthe tools of breath, movement, sound, intention, and the power of love.
In tantra training, we learn to use these universal tools, to connect to deeper energies within their own bodies. With these tools, we can connect more powerfully to our sexual pleasure and able to open up neurologic, circulatory, and energetic pathways for pleasure. Trauma can block our ability to feel pleasure and awareness of deeper feelings. As we connect to our inner spiritual consciousness, we become able expand our experience of pleasure to infinite levels fueled by waves of expanding and circulating sacred sexual energy which we are all born with. This has a profound and lasting effect on us as we develop our unlimited human potential on all levels. As sexual pleasure is our human birthright. This works for individuals and couples of all genders, cultures, and backgrounds as we are tapping into universal human energy within ourselves. Additionally, we multiply this experience as we exchange and merge this energy with our beloved partners.
Tantra work in individuals and between couples can be extremely effective and powerful for healing sexual and emotional wounding, as well as clearing trauma from our bodies, emotions, and minds. We now live in a time where we recognize the effects of sexual wounding, trauma, abuse, societal conditioning, and emotional pain, which are related to our family, religious, and institutional structures as well as painful intimate relationships. Many sex therapists and mental health professionals are bridging these techniques to for more profound healing, thriving, happiness, pleasure, and vitality!
Couples who use tantric tools experience powerful and lasting connection and intimacy. We relate to each other on deeper soul and spiritual levels, removing blocks to pleasure, trust, and love. We reach greater states of connection when we embrace each other on the level of heart, soul, and spirit. We long for deep, healing, fulfilling states of ecstatic bliss. We desire, deserve, and need to be able to see each other fully, to experience exquisite joy and pleasure without interference of intrusive thought, judgment, and painful emotion. We reach for freedom and liberation from focus on the mundane and the ordinary parts of everyday life. This and more are available to us. This is an infinite, intimate, expansive path to revealing and savoring our deepest and highest versions of ourselves, together….
This is part of what is available to us as loving, caring, vulnerable, secure, and liberated individuals and couples. The methods are simple but most of us have never been made aware of the infinite possibilities inherent within us and between loving partners. This has been obscured by layers of pain, confusion, and distraction. We have a universe of joy, ecstatic bliss, unconditional love, and deep powerful liberation awaiting us. This is an invitation to awaken from deep within and from the heavens above!
For more information see the information about our upcoming “Lasting and Expanding Intimacy” Workshop or contact Debora Meitz MD, the Tantra Doctor at www.tantradoctor.com.

Inner Peace Impacts the Community

To Rudy Milton and the rest of the Bufford, SC community for welcoming that we all grow collectively and individually.
Register Open Now: On Eventbrite / Lasting and Expanding Intimacy
Sept 23-24, 2023, 9:00am - 5:00pm!
LGBTQAI+ posittive atmosphere.